In Uruguay, innovative technology is turning compassion into action as breast milk delivery gets ready for takeoff. The UNICEF Innovation Fund has provided funding for drones, which have been essential in ensuring infants in Tacuarembó's remote locations receive vital nutrition. These drones can travel 62 miles while carrying breast milk sachets; they avoid challenging terrain and eventually replace highways. Nurse Leopoldina Castelli explains, "Today we fed a substantially greater number of children, and this is something that deeply moves me." The creators of this service are modifying people's lives, transforming our perceptions of it, and rethinking the role technology plays in facilitating access to it. When used properly, technology and compassion may empower us to effect the change we wish to see in the world, one delivery at a time. Finally, echoing the words of Ciro Ferreira, Tacuarembó hospital director, "When it comes to using drones to save lives, for us, the sky is not the limit."