The Mersey river, in Liverpool, UK, had been declared "biologically dead" from industrial and sewage pollution decades ago. In 2022, 37 different species of fish were caught in the river by anglers. The Mersey Rivers Trust is a charity that works to improve the river both for people and the wildlife who live by it. "Over the last 30 years, there's been a tremendous regeneration, this renewal of the River Mersey that started slowly but is now picking up pace. I still think we're right at the beginning of something special," said Mike Duddy, employee of the Mersey Rivers Trust. Five different types of shark have been found as well as huge eels, sea scorpions, restaurant delicacies like turbot, and the very rare smelt. "It's the best environmental good news story in Europe without a doubt," Duddy said. He believes this could be a boost for the environment across the whole region and into North Wales.